Troubleshooting Guide
FAQ: I'm not receiving push notifications for alerts. What should I do?
The Storm Shield app uses polygon-based alerts for weather notifications. This means that you will only receive alerts when your current location or one of your Saved Locations falls inside of that polygon-shaped area. Many apps send out push notifications based on counties, however, Storm Shield does this based on polygons which is more granular.

Note: If you do see an Active alert but did not receive a notification, please make sure that you are subscribed to that alert type by going to the app Settings > Manage Weather Alerts. Also, be sure to check your silent mode switch on your phone. If you see orange, you have the silent mode enabled.
FAQ: I use the Do Not Disturb feature on iOS and there was a warning issued. Why did I not receive the push notification?
At this time, Storm Shield will abide by your Do Not Disturb Setting that is set within your Apple Device.
FAQ: The red Alerts box on the map screen says I have an alert but I did not receive a push notification.
The red Alerts box will indicate the county-alerts that have been issued. We want our users to know what inclement weather is in the surrounding area so we display those here. In order to receive an alert, be sure your location pin is within a polygon alerting area. To visually see those polygons, please reference the screenshots above.
FAQ: How can I make the volume of the alert louder?
The alerts volume is directly correlated to the volume of your device. The higher you have your sound on your device, the louder the audio will sound.
FAQ: What does an alert sound like?
When you receive a push notification from Storm Shield App, you will hear an audio notification like this:
"Beep! Beep! Beep! The National Weather Service has issued a <Name of Alert>."
* If you continue to experience issues with alerts or have questions, feel free to reach out to our support team by using the Contact link under Support inside the settings of the app.